1 ACIM Text A 10

(lily) #1

but of your Souls you can do everything for the salvation of both.
Humility is a lesson for the ego,NOT for the Soul. The Soul is
beyond humility because it recognizes its radiance, and gladly sheds
its light everywhere. The meek shall inherit the earth because their
egos are humble and this gives them better perception.The Kingdom
of Heaven is the RIGHTof the Soul, whose beauty and dignity are
far beyond doubt, beyond perception, and stand forever as the mark
of the Love of God for His creations, who are wholly worthy of Him
and ONLYof Him. Nothing else is sufficiently worthy to be a gift
for a creation of God Himself.
I will substitute for your ego if you wish, but NEVERfor your
Soul. A father can safely leave a child with an elder brother who has
shown himself responsible, but this involves no confusion about the
child’s origin. The brother can protect the child’s body and his ego,
which are VERYclosely related, but he does not confuse HIMSELF
with the father because he does this, although the child may. I can be
entrusted with your body and your ego simply because this enables
you NOTto be concerned with them, and lets MEteach you their
unimportance. I could not understand their importance to YOUif I
had not once been tempted to believe in them myself.
Let us undertake to learn this lesson together, so we can be free
of them together. I need devoted teachers who share my aim of
healing the mind.The Soul is far beyond the need of your protection
ORmine. Remember this:

“In this world you NEEDnot have tribulation BECAUSE
I have overcome the world.”

THAT is why you should be of good cheer.

You have asked lately how the mind could ever have made the ego.This
is a perfectly reasonable question; in fact, the best question you could
ask. There is, however, no point in giving an historical answer because
the past does not matter in human terms, and history would not exist if
the same errors were not being repeated in the present. Abstract
thought applies to knowledge because knowledge is completely
impersonal, and examples are irrelevant to its understanding.


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