1 ACIM Text A 10

(lily) #1

what they ARE.
This is the way in which you MUSTperceive God’s creations,
bringing all of your perceptions into the one parallel line which the
Holy Spirit sees. This line is the direct line of communication with
God, and lets your mind converge with HIS.There is no conflict
anywhere in this perception because it means that ALLperception is
guided by the Holy Spirit,Whose mind is fixed on God.ONLYthe
Holy Spirit can resolve conflict because ONLYthe Holy Spirit is
conflict-free. He perceives ONLYwhat is true in your mind, and
extends outward ONLYto what is true in other minds.
The difference between the ego’s use of projection and
projection as the Holy Spirit uses it is very simple. The ego projects
to EXCLUDE,and therefore to deceive.The Holy Spirit projects by
RECOGNIZING HIMSELFin every mind, and thus perceives them
as ONE. Nothing conflicts in this perception because what the Holy
Spirit perceives ISthe same.Wherever He looks He sees Himself, and
because He is united, He offers the whole Kingdom always. This is
the one message God gave TOHim, and for which He must speak
because that is what He IS.The peace of God lies in that message,
and so the peace of God lies in YOU.
The great peace of the Kingdom shines in your mind forever,
but it must shine OUTWARDto make YOUaware of it. The Holy
Spirit was given you with perfect impartiality, and only by perceiving
Him impartially can you perceive Him at all. The ego is legion, but
the Holy Spirit is One. No darkness abides anywhere in the
Kingdom, but your part is only to allow no darkness to abide in your
OW Nmind. This alignment with Light is unlimited because it is in
alignment with the Light of the world. Each of us ISthe Light of the
world, and by joining our minds INthis Light, we proclaim the
Kingdom of God together and AS ONE.

We have used many words as synonymous which are not ordinarily
regarded as the same. We began with having and being, and more
recently have used others. Hearing and being are examples, to which
we can also add teaching and being, learning and being, and, above
all,PROJECTINGand being.This is because, as we have said before,


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