1 ACIM Text A 10

(lily) #1

therefore to learn to BE without judgement. The undoing is
necessary only in YOURmind, so that you cannot project falsely.
God Himself has established what you can project with perfect safety.
Therefore, the Holy Spirit’s third lesson is:

“Be vigilant ONLY for God and HIS Kingdom”
This is a major step toward FUNDAMENTAL change.Yet it is
still a lesson in thought reversal, since it implies that there is
something you must be vigilant AGAINST. It has advanced far from
the first lesson which was PRIMARILY a reversal, and also from the
second which was essentially the identification of what is MORE
desirable. THIS step, which follows from the second as the second
follows from the first, emphasizes the DICHOTOMY between the
desirable and the undesirable. It therefore makes the ULTIMATE
choice inevitable.
While the first step seems to INCREASE conflict and the
second step still entails it to some extent, this one calls for
CONSISTENT EFFORT AGAINST IT.We said already that you can
be as vigilant AGAINSTthe ego as FORit. This lesson teaches not
only that you CANbe, but that you MUSTbe. It does not concern
itself with order of difficulty, but with CLEARCUT PRIORITY
FOR VIGILANCE.This step is unequivocal in that it teaches there
must be NO exceptions, although it does not deny that the
temptation to MAKE exceptions will occur. Here, then, your
consistency is called on DESPITEchaos. Yet chaos and consistency
CANNOTcoexist for long, since they are mutually exclusive.
As long as you must be vigilant against anything, however, you
are not recognizing this mutual exclusiveness, and are holding the
belief that you can CHOOSE EITHER ONE.By teaching WHATto
choose, the Holy Spirit will ultimately be able to teach you that
YOU NEED NOT CHOOSE AT ALL.This will finally liberate your
will FROM choice, and direct it towards creation WITHIN the
Kingdom. Choosing through the Holy Spirit will lead you TOthe
Kingdom. You create by what you ARE,but this is what you must
learn. The way to learn it is inherent in the third step, which brings
together the lessons implied in the others, and goes beyond them
towards real integration.


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