1 ACIM Text A 10

(lily) #1

believed that, when you met someone else, you had thought that he
WA Ssomeone else. And every holy encounter in which YOUenter
fully will teach you THIS IS NOT SO.
You can encounter ONLYpart of yourself because you are part of
God,Who ISeverything. His power and glory are everywhere, and you
CANNOTbe excluded from them.The ego teaches that your strength
is in you ALONE.The Holy Spirit teaches that ALLstrength is in God
and THEREFOREin you. God wills NO-ONEsuffer. He does not
will anyone to suffer for a wrong decision,INCLUDINGyou. That is
why He has given you the means for UNDOINGit. Through His
power and glory all your wrong decisions are undone COMPLETELY
releasing you ANDyour brothers from EVERYimprisoning thought
ANYpart of the Sonship has accepted. Wrong decisions have no
power BECAUSEthey are not true. The imprisonment which they
SEEMto produce is no more true than THEYare.
Power and glory belong to God alone. So do YOU.God gives
WHATEVER belongs to Him because He gives of Himself, and
EVERYTHINGbelongs to Him. Giving of YOURself is the function
He gave you. Fulfilling it perfectly will teach you what you HAVEof
Him, and this will teach you what you AREin Him.You CANNOT
be powerless to do this because this ISyour power. Glory is God’s gift
to you because that is what HEis. See this glory everywhere to learn
what YOUare.

If God’s Will for you is complete peace and joy, unless you
experience ONLYthis you must be refusing to ACKNOWLEDGE
His Will. His Will does not vacillate, being changeless forever.When
you are not at peace, it can only be because you do not believe you
AREin Him. Yet He is all in all. His peace is complete, and you
MUSTbe included in it. His laws govern you because they govern
EVERYTHING.You cannot exempt yourself from His laws, although
you can disobey them.Yet if you do, and ONLYif you do, you WILL
feel lonely and helpless because you are denying yourself everything.
I am come as a light into a world that DOES deny itself
everything. It does this simply by dissociating itself FROM
everything. It is therefore an illusion of isolation, maintained by fear

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