1 ACIM Text A 10

(lily) #1

regards itself as rejected and becomes retaliative.You are invulnerable
to its retaliation BECAUSE I AM WITH YOU.On this journey you
have chosen me as your companion INSTEADof the ego. Do not try
to hold on to both, or you will try to go in different directions, and
will lose the way.
The ego’s way is not mine, but it is also NOT YOURS.The Holy
Spirit has ONEdirection for ALLminds, and the one He taught me
is YOURS.Let us not lose sight of His direction through illusions, for
only illusions of another direction can obscure the one for which
God’s Voice speaks in all of us. Never accord the ego the power to
interfere with the journey because it HASnone, since the journey is
the way to what is true. Leave ALLdeception behind, and reach
beyond all attempts of the ego to hold you back. I go before you
because I AMbeyond the ego. Reach, therefore, for my hand because
you WANTto transcend the ego. My will will NEVERbe wanting,
and if you WANTto share it, you WILL.I give it willingly and gladly
because I need you as much as you need me.

WEare the joint will of the Sonship, whose wholeness is for all. We
begin the journey back by setting out TOGETHER,and gather in
our brothers as we CONTINUEtogether. Every gain in our strength
is offered for all, so they, too, can lay aside their weakness and add
their strength to us. God’s welcome waits for us all, and He will
welcome us as I am welcoming you. Forget not the Kingdom of God
for anything the world has to offer.The world can add nothing to the
power and the glory of God and His holy Sons, but it CANblind the
Sons to the Father if they behold it.You cannot behold the world and
know God. Only one is true.
I am come to tell you that the choice of which is true is not
yours. If it were, you would have destroyed yourselves.Yet God did
not will the destruction of His creations, having created them for
eternity. His Will has saved you, not from yourselves but from your
ILLUSIONSof yourselves. He has saved you FORyourselves. Let us
glorify Him Whom the world denies, for over His Kingdom it has no
power. No-one created by God can find joy in anything EXCEPT
the eternal. That is not because he is deprived of anything else, but


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