1 ACIM Text A 10

(lily) #1

judgement ISthe function of the Holy Spirit, and one which He is
perfectly equipped to fulfill.The ego, as a judge, gives anything BUT
an impartial judgement. When the ego calls on a witness, it has
ALREADYmade the witness an ally.
It is still true that the body has no function of itself because it is
NOTan end. The ego, however, establishes it ASan end because, as
such, it will lose its TRUE function. This is the purpose of
EVERYTHINGthe ego does. Its sole aim is to lose sight of the
function of everything. A sick body does not make any SENSE.It
COULDnot make sense because sickness is not what the body is
FOR.Sickness is meaningful only if the two basic premises on which
the ego’s interpretation of the body rests are true. Specifically, these
are that the body is for attack, and that you AREa body. Without
these premises, sickness is completely inconceivable.
Sickness is a way of demonstrating that YOU CAN BE HURT.It
is a witness to your frailty, your vulnerability, and your extreme need
to depend on EXTERNALguidance. The ego uses this as its best
argument for your need for ITS guidance. It dictates endless
prescriptions for AVOIDING catastrophic outcomes. The Holy
Spirit, perfectly aware of the same data, does not bother to analyze
them at all. If the data are meaningless there is no point in
considering them.The function of truth is to collect data which are
TRUE.There is no point in trying to make sense out of meaningless
data.ANY way you handle them results in nothing. The more
complicated the results become, the harder it may be to recognize
their nothingness, but it is not necessary to examine all possible
outcomes to which premises give rise to judge them truly.
A learning device is NOTa teacher.ITcannot tell you how
YOU feel.YOU do not know how you feel because you have
ACCEPTEDthe ego’s confusion, and YOU think that a learning
device CAN tell you how you feel. Sickness is merely another
example of your insistence on asking the guidance of a teacher
of knowing how you feel.When we said that the ego does not know
ANYTHING,we said the one thing about the ego that ISwholly
true. But there ISa corollary; if knowledge is being and the ego has
no knowledge, then the ego has no BEING.

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