1 ACIM Text A 10

(lily) #1

mind can perceive ANYTHING.A pure mind knows the truth, and
this ISits strength. It cannot attack the body because it recognizes
exactly what the body IS.This is what “a sane mind in a sane body”
really means. It does NOT confuse destruction with innocence
because it associates innocence with strength,NOTwith weakness.
Innocence is INCAPABLEof sacrificing anything, because the
innocent mind HASeverything and strives only to PROTECTits
wholeness. This is why it CANNOTmisproject. It can only honor
man, because honor is the natural greeting of the truly loved to
others who are like them.The lamb taketh away the sins of the world
only in the sense that the state of innocence, or grace, is one in which
the meaning of the Atonement is perfectly apparent.The innocence
of God is the true state of mind of His Son. In this state, man’s mind
DOESsee God in the sense that he sees Him as He is, and realizes
that the Atonement,NOTsacrifice, is the ONLYappropriate gift to
His Own altar, where nothing except true perfection belongs. The
understanding of the innocent is TRUTH.That is why their altars are
truly radiant.

We have repeatedly stated that the basic concepts referred to in this
course are NOTmatters of degree. Certain fundamental concepts
CANNOT be meaningfully understood in terms of coexisting
polarities. It is impossible to conceive of light and darkness, or
everything and nothing, as joint possibilities.They are all true ORall
false. It is essential that you realize that behavior is erratic until a firm
commitment to one or the other is made.
A firm commitment to darkness or nothingness is impossible.
No-one has ever lived who has not experienced SOMElight and
SOMEthing.This makes everyone really unable to deny truth totally,
even if he generally deceives himself in this connection.That is why
those who live largely in darkness and emptiness never find any
lasting solace. Innocence is NOTa partial attribute. It is not a real
defense UNTILit is total.When it is partial, it is characterized by the
same erratic nature that holds for other two-edged defenses.
The partly innocent are apt to be quite stupid at times. It is not
until their innocence becomes a genuine viewpoint which is


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