1 ACIM Text A 10

(lily) #1

eventually choose to heal the separation.
Right-mindedness is not to be confused with the KNOWING
mind because it is applicable only to right perception. You can be
right-minded or wrong-minded, and even this is subject to degrees, a
fact which clearly demonstrates a lack of association with knowledge.
The term “right-mindedness” is properly used as the CORRECTION
for “wrong-mindedness,” and applies to the state of mind which
induces accurate perception. It is miraculous because it HEALS
misperception, and this is indeed a miracle in view of how man
perceives himself.
Perception ALWAYS involves some misuse of will because it
involves the mind in areas of uncertainty. The mind is very active
because it has will-power.When it willed the separation, it willed to
perceive. Until then, it willed ONLYto know. Afterwards it willed
ambiguously, and the only way OUT of ambiguity IS clear
perception. The mind returns to its proper function only when it
WILLS TO KNOW.This places it in the Soul’s service, where
perception is meaningless. The superconscious is the level of the
mind which wills this.
The mind chose to divide itself when it willed to create both its
own levels ANDthe ability to perceive, but it could not entirely
separate itself from the Soul because it is FROMthe Soul that it
derives its whole power to create. Even in miscreation will is
affirming its source, or it would merely cease to be.This is impossible
because it is part of the Soul, which God created and which is
therefore eternal.
The ability to perceive made the body possible because you
must perceive SOMETHING,and WITHsomething. This is why
perception involves an exchange or translation, which knowledge
does not need. The interpretive function of perception, actually a
distorted form of creation, then permitted man to interpret the body
as HIMSELF,which, though depressing, was an attempt to escape
from the conflict he had induced. The superconscious, which
KNOWS,could not be reconciled with this loss of power because it
is incapable of darkness.This is why it became almost inaccessible to
the mind and entirely inaccessible to the body.
Thereafter, the superconscious was perceived as a threat, because

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