Posing for Portrait Photography

(Martin Jones) #1
Journalistic Posing.Journalistic posing really isn’t posing at all.
It is recording people as they interact with their environment. It is
capturing the child, bride, or family in an activity so they basically
forget you are are recording their image. This type of portrait is a
very specific type and not one that the majority of people will
respond to when it comes time to purchase, unless they have
requested it and have a complete understanding of what the out-
come of the session will look like.
Glamourous Posing. Glamourous posing is posing that is taken
to achieve what people commonly call “the look.” Call it sensual or
sexy, it is posing that makes the subject look as appealing and attrac-
tive as possible. I am not talking about boudoir or the type of glam-
our that achieves its look by having the client in little or no cloth-
ing. You can pose a fully clothed human being in certain ways and
make them look extremely glamourous and appealing. If you finish
the pose with the right expression, often with the lips slightly part-
ed, you will have made the client’s romantic interest very happy.
An excellent source of glamourous posing is found in catalogs
such as those published by Victoria’s Secret or Frederick’s of


Glamorous posing is designed to make the
subject look sensual and alluring.

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