Posing for Portrait Photography

(Martin Jones) #1
have curved lines provide a softer, more artistic look. Because of the
traditional associations, linear backgrounds are often considered
more masculine, while ones with curved lines tend to be considered
more feminine. For example, think of the columns commonly used
as set elements by photographers. Rounded columns would be con-
sidered more feminine, while squared columns would be considered
more masculine.
This does not, however, mean that you should only use “femi-
nine” backgrounds when creating portraits of female subjects. As
noted previously, many of the traditional ideas about what’s femi-
nine and what’s masculine just don’t apply to today’s clients and
their tastes. Plus, there are factors beyond gender that must be con-


Sets with straight lines have an stronger, more
assertive look that often suits a more casual
style of dress and pose.

This does not mean that you

should only use “feminine”

backgrounds when creating

portraits of female subjects.
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