Posing for Portrait Photography

(Martin Jones) #1
most stunning scene, but if the eyes are not properly lit and proper-
ly posed, the portrait will not be salable. The eyes give life to the
portrait, and it is particularly the catchlights that give the eyes life.
They attract the viewer of the portrait to the eyes and are one of the
primary goals of any professional photographer.
In my book Outdoor and Location Photography (Amherst
Media, 2002), I stated that the single biggest mistake photographers
make outdoors is not having distinct catchlights in the eyes. The
same is true for inexperienced photographers in the studio. They
don’t check the eyes with each and every portrait they take.
Most photographers don’t really think about posing the eyes.
They look at the face as a whole, but, again, it is each part as well as
the sumof the parts that make a good pose. A good working strate-


Catchlights attract the viewer of the portrait to
the eyes and are one of the primary goals of
any professional photographer.

The single biggest mistake

photographers make outdoors

is not having distinct

catchlights in the eyes.
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