Posing for Portrait Photography

(Martin Jones) #1
When the eyes of the subject look into the lens (or very close to
it), the portrait seems to make eye contact with the viewer. This type
of portrait typically sells better than portraits that have the subject
looking off-camera in a more reflective pose. Reflective posing does,
however, work in a storytelling portrait—a bride glancing out a win-
dow as if waiting for her groom, a senior glancing over the top of a
book and thinking of the future, new parents looking down at their
baby and thinking of how many diapers they are going to have to
change before that kid is potty trained. Well, maybe not that last
one—but you get the picture.


The eyes are the focal point of every portrait,
so they must be attractively posed and ap-
pealingly lit.

When the eyes of the subject look

into the lens, the portrait seems to

make eye contact with the viewer.
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