Posing for Portrait Photography

(Martin Jones) #1

As you see in most of the photographs in this book, by using the
body to fill the base of the composition you can ensure that the por-
trait appears finished. It looks as though the photographer put some
thought into coordinating the pose with the final composition. In
each type of pose (waist-up, thighs-up, knees-up, or full-length) the
body is used to fill the bottom of the composition.
Many poses offer a photographer the ability to choose from
different ways to compose the portrait. Poses like these work very
well in high-volume photography studios. Once the subject (for us
always a senior) is in the pose, a full-length or three-quarter pose is
done for the senior (so she can see her entire outfit) and then a
closeup is done to make Mom happy. Both are taken without hav-
ing to re-pose the subject.


Here’s another example of a pose that can be composed as a full-length image to show the
subject’s outfit and as a closeup that will make Mom happy. Note how the arms are used to cre-
ate a triangular base for both compositions.

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