Posing for Portrait Photography

(Martin Jones) #1

download and be visible on the screen. At that point, I want them
to study the image for at least ten seconds. By forcing them to take
the time to notice problems in posing, lighting, and expression, the
number of obvious problems have gone down considerably.
Many photographers find that they don’t have an eye for detail.
They constantly find problems—problems they should have picked
up on before the portrait was taken—coming out in the final proofs
when they show them to the client. If this is your shortcoming, hire
someone with a good eye for detail to assist you in your sessions.
Their eyes and focus on detail will save you the cost of their salary
in lost or reduced orders.
Within our studio, I do this often. We have a photographer who
has been with us for some time. He, like most mature men, has no


If you don’t have a good eye for detail or a
good sense of style, hire someone who does
to assist you in your sessions. This will save
you the cost of their salary in lost or reduced

Many photographers find that

they don’t have an eye for detail.
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