definition and valuation of 46 –7
tendency towards overstatement
of 52
Associated British Foods (ABF) plc
129, 354 –5, 360, 368, 373, 425
Atrill, P.F. 116
audit 9 –10
see alsopost audits
Automobile Association (AA) 17,
bad debts 369, 371
Baker, H. 335
balance sheets 43 –5, 64, 79, 500
values in 49
Balbirer, S.D. 415 –16, 427
Balfour Beatty plc 354
Bank of England 121, 412 –13, 436,
bankruptcy and associated costs 15,
304, 310, 312, 315, 440, 500
Barclay, M. 309, 314, 337
Barclays Bank plc 244
Barney, L. 339
Bauger Group 402
bearpositions 254
Beattie, V. 315
Beaver, W.H. 257
Benito, A. 334
Benkato, O. 309–10
Bernardo, A. 336
beta (β) analysis 174, 199–204, 500
Blake, D. 267
Boardman, C.M. 101
boards of companies 9
see alsodirectors
bonus shares 224 –5, 265, 500
for directors 26
for managers 142
Boots the Chemist 17, 367
borrowing by businesses 14, 29 –30,
Bradford and Bingley plc 339
brand names 141
Braund, S. 121, 243
break-even analysis 158
Brealey, R. 263
British Airports Authority (BAA)
395, 400
British Airways plc (BA) 158, 235,
239, 243, 245, 338, 400
British Energy plc 235
British Land Company 229
British Petroleum plc (BP) 129, 283,
338 –9
British Sky Broadcasting Group plc
British Telecom Group plc (BT) 25,
337– 8
Bruner, R. 399
budgets, use of 356, 365
buffer stocks 364 –5
bullpositions 254
Bunn, P. 314
business finance
in relation to accounting 6
and risk 5
role of 4
business risk 297, 302, 500
Busse, J. 266
buy-and-hold policy 269
buy-ins 402, 500
buying back of shares 334 – 4, 338,
Cadbury Schweppes plc 64, 309,
403, 408 –9
call options 422
capital allowances 117–19, 243, 500
capital asset pricing model (CAPM)
185, 198 –205, 208 –9, 264, 280,
assumptions of 202
and derivation of discount rates
204 –5
practical use of 205
tests of 200 –1
weaknesses of 185, 203 – 4
abandonment of investment
projects 133 – 4
abnormal returns 259, 264, 267
accountability of directors 10
accounting methods
changes in 265, 338
deficiencies of 46 –50, 64 –5
accounting rate of return (ARR)
97– 9, 102, 440, 500
accounts receivable seetrade
accruals 48
acid test ratio 58
‘active’ trading 269
activity ratios 55 –7, 67
Adnams plc 443
agency costs 27, 32, 207, 307– 8, 333,
336 –9, 390, 429, 437, 500
aggressivesecurities 199
Aharony, J. 335
Akbar, S. 335
Al-Ali, J. 121, 204 –5, 280, 285
Alcan Inc. 395
Alexander, S. 263
Alkaraan, F. 100, 137, 143, 174,
Allen, F. 336
Alternative Investment Market
(AIM) 232, 442–3
American football 257– 8
Amstrad plc 395
Andrade, G. 311
‘angels’ 442, 500
annual general meetings 222
annual reports of companies 9, 25
annuities and annuity tables 85 – 6,
132, 460, 500
arbitrage pricing model (APM)
205 – 6, 500
Arkwright, T. 121, 204 –5, 280, 285
Arnold, G.C. 99–100, 126, 134,
Arriva plc 338
Articles of Association 8
asset-backed finance 241–2, 248
Note: Page references in boldtype relate to the Glossary
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