An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1
Acknowledgments 239

Miller on historical periodization and use of Indigenous sources;
Elizabeth Castle about oral history; and Rachel Jackson in our
decade-long and continuing discussions of settler-Indigenous rela­
tions in Oklahoma.
I want to thank my brilliant editor at Beacon Press, Gayatri Pat­
naik. Gayatri is a writer's dream, a hands-on editor, tough but al­
ways right. I also benefited from the careful and intelligent work of
Beacon assistant editor Rachael Marks.
I appreciate that this book will take its place with other volumes
in Beacon Press's ReVisioning American History series, and for that
I thank and honor the memory of Howard Zinn.
Much gratitude goes to those who read parts or the whole of
drafts and provided essential suggestions and much-needed sup­
port, especially Steven Baker, Steven Hiatt, Susan Miller, Aileen
"Chockie" Cottier, Luke Young, Waziyatatawin, and Martin Legas­
sick. Of course, only I am responsible for errors and interpretations
in the text.

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