An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1
Suggested Reading 241

Daniel M. Cobb, Native Activism in Cold War America: The Strug­
gle fo r Sovereignty (Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 2008).
Elizabeth Cook-Lynn, A Separate Country: Postcoloniality and
American Indian Nations (Lubbock: Te xas Te ch University
Press, 2012).
Jeff Corntassel and Richard C. Witmer, Forced Federalism: Con­
temporary Challenges to Indigenous Nationhood (Norman: Uni­
versity of Oklahoma Press, 2008).
James H. Cox, The Red Land to the South: American Indian Writ­
ers and Indigenous Mexico (Minneapolis: University of Minne­
sota Press, 2012).
Philip J. Deloria, Indians in Unexpected Places (Lawrence: Univer­
sity of Kansas Press, 2004).
Philip J. Deloria, Playing Indian (New Haven, CT: Yale University
Press, 199 8).
Vine Deloria Jr., Custer Died fo r Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto,
new ed. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1988). First
published 1969.
Vine Deloria Jr. and Clifford M. Lytle, The Nations Within: The
Pa st and Future of American Indian Sovereignty (Austin: Univer­
sity of Texas Press, 199 8).
Jennifer Nez Denetdale, Reclaiming Dine History: The Lega cies
of Navajo Chief Manuelito and Juanita (Tucson: University of
Arizona Press, 2007).
Jean Dennison, Colonial Entanglement: Constituting a Twenty­
First- Century Osage Nation (Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Press, 2012).
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Roots of Resistance: A History of Land
Te nure in New Mexico (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press,
2007). First published 1980.
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, ed., The Great Sioux Nation: An Oral His­
tory of the Sioux Nation and Its Struggle fo r Sovereignty (Lin­
coln: University of Nebraska Press, 2013 ). First published 1977.
Walter R. Echo-Hawk, In the Courts of the Conqueror: The IO
Worst Indian Law Cases Ever Decided (Golden, CO: Fulcrum,

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