An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1


Epigraph: Willie Johns, "A Seminole Perspective on Ponce de Leon and Florida
History," Forum Magazine (Florida Humanities Council), Fall 20I2, http://­
ponce-de-leon-and-florida-history-I486 72 (accessed September 24, 20I3).
r. The full refrain of Woody Guthrie's most popular song: "This land is your
land I This land is my land I From California to the New York island I From
the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters I This land was made for you
and me."

  1. Henry Crow Dog, testimony at the I97 4 Sioux Treaty hearing, in Dunbar-
    Ortiz, Great Sioux Nation, 54.

  2. Chang, Color of the Land, 7.

  3. Wolfe, "Settler Colonialism," 38 7.

  4. See Watson, Buying America from the Indians, and Robertson, Conquest
    by Law. For a list and description of each papal bull, see The Doctrine
    of Discovery, (accessed November 5,

  5. Williams, American Indian in Western Legal Thought, 59.

  6. Stewart, Names on the Land, I69-73, 233, 302.

  7. Sheehan, "Indian-White Relations in Early America," 26 7-96.

  8. Killsback, "Indigenous Perceptions of Time," I3L
    IO. Turner, Frontier in American History, I27.
    IL "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Geno­
    cide, Paris, 9 December I948," Audiovisual Library of International Law, (accessed December 6,
    2012). See also Kunz, "United Nations Convention on Genocide."
    I2. O'Brien, Firsting and Lasting.
    I3. April I7, I873 , quoted in Marszalek, Sherman, 379.

  9. Wolfe, "Settler Colonialism," 393.
    I5. I8 U.S.C.§nsr (200I).
    I6. Echo-Hawk, In the Courts of the Conqueror, 77-78.
    I7. "Tribes," US Department of the Interior website,
    tribes/index.cfm (accessed September 24, 20I3); "Indian Reservation,"

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