An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

252 Notes

Tecumseh and the Quest for American Indian Leadership; and Dowd,
Spirited Resistance.
II. Grenier, First Way of War, 206.
Ii. Ibid., 20 6-7.
I3. Ibid., 207-8.
I4. Quoted in Richter, Facing East from Indian Country, 23 1.
I5. Grenier, First Way of War, 209-10, 2I3.
I6. Ibid., I72.
I7. Ibid., 17 4-75.
I8. Remini, Andrew Jackson and His Indian Wars, 32.

  1. Grenier, First Way of War, 176 -77.

  2. Ibid., I8I, I84.

  3. Ibid., 18 1-87.

  4. Ibid., I87-92.

  5. Ibid., 192 - 93.

  6. Ibid., 205.

  7. Ibid., 221-22.

Epigraph: Fanon, Wretched of the Earth, 33.

  1. See Tucker :;ind Hendrickson, Empire of Liberty.

  2. Wilentz, Rise of American Democracy, 109-11; Dowd, Spirited Resis-
    tance, I63-64.

  3. See Anderson and Cayton, Dominion of War.

  4. Quoted in Phillips, Cousins' Wars, 3.

  5. Grenier, First Way of War, 220.

  6. Ibid., 2I4-I5.

  7. Remini, Life of Andrew Jackson, 62-69.

  8. Grenier, First Way of War, 216 -17.

  9. Brinkley, Unfinished Nation, 85; Takaki, Iron Cages, 96.

  10. Takaki, Different Mirror, 85-86.
    II. Brinkley, Unfinished Nation, 84. On Jackson's vision to create a populist
    empire, see Anderson and Cayton, Dominion of War, 207-46.
    I2. Grenier, First Way of War, 204.

  11. Ibid., 205.
    I4. Ibid., 21 8-20.
    I5· Ibid., 215. See also Saunt, New Order of Things, 23 6-41.
    I6. Miller, Coacoochee's Bones, xi.
    I7. Quoted in Rogin, Fathers and Children, I29.
    I8. Slotkin, Fatal Environment, 81 -106.

  12. In the twentieth century, during the dark days of the Depression and war,
    I932-43, Laura Ingalls Wilder updated and consolidated the myth, center-

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