An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

262 Notes

  1. Vine Deloria Jr. speaking in PBS Frontline documentary In the Spirit of
    Crazy Horse (I990).

  2. Lurie, "World's Oldest On-Going Protest Demonstration."

  3. Poverty and class analysis can be accomplished without obliterating the
    particular effects of colonialism, as Alyosha Goldstein brilliantly dem­
    onstrated in Poverty in Common, with a chapter titled "On the Internal
    Border: Colonial Difference and the Locations of Underdevelopment," in
    which he treats Native nations and Puerto Rico with reference to sover­
    eignty status and collective experiences of colonialism in addition to capi­
    talism. Goldstein, Poverty in Common, 77-uo.

  4. For an excellent summary of testimonies, see Smith, "Forever
    Changed," 57-82.

  5. From Embree, Indians of the Americas, quoted in Nabokov, Native Ameri­
    can Testimony, 222.

  6. See McBeth, Ethnic Identity and the Boarding School Experience, 105. See
    also Broker, Night Flying Woman, 93-94.

  7. Yvonne Leif, All Things Considered, National Public Radio, October 14,

  8. Roger Buffalohead, All Things Considered, National Public Radio, Octo-
    ber I4, I99L

  9. Haig-Brown, Resistance and Renewal, 75.

  10. Knockwood, Out of the Depths, I38.

  11. Alfred, Peace, Power, and Righteousness, xii.

  12. Smith, "Native American Feminism, Sovereignty and Social Change," I32;
    Smith, Conquest. See also Erdrich, The Round House. In this 20I2 Na­
    tional Book Award winner for fiction, Erdrich, who is Anishinaabe from
    North Dakota, writes of the circumstances on reservations that allow for
    extreme sexual violence.

  13. Amnesty International USA, Maze of Injustice.

  14. Wilkins, "Sovereignty, Democracy, Constitution," 7.

  15. Dennison, Colonial Entanglement, I97·

  16. Vizenor and Doerfler, White Earth Nation, 63.

  17. Ibid., II.


Epigraph: Byrd, Transit of Empire, I22-23.

  1. For a magisterial study, see Slotkin, Gunfighter Nation.

  2. Kaplan, Imperial Grunts.

  3. Grenier, First Way of War, IO.

  4. Kaplan, Imperial Grunts, 3-5.

  5. Ibid., 6.

  6. Ibid., 8, IO.

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