An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1
industrialization, 16 6, 16 7-68
infectious diseases, 39 -4 2
innocence, race to, 229-3 1
Inter-American Indian Institute, 176
International Indian Treaty Council
(IITC), 203-4, 26on21
Iraq, US military invasions of,
193 -95,222, 229
Ireland: England's colonization of,
38 -39, 51 -5 2
Iroquois Nations, 17 , 24, 76 -77
irregular warfare: in California,
12 9; by Cheyennes, 146; during
Civil War, 94, 13 5-3 6; in colonial
period, 57 -60, 69; by Crazy Horse,
152 ; in King Philip's War, 64; by
Modocs, 223; in Ohio Country,
81 -83; Second Amendment and,
80; in Seminole Wars, 10 2; after
war of independence, 94; in West,
15 0, 152
irrigation systems, 16 , 21-22
Ishi, 161, 232
Israel, as covenant state, 47, 50 ,
Iturbide, Agustin de, 12 3

Index 287

Jefferson, Thomas: and Barbary Wars,
11 9; on continental expansion, 3;
and Doctrine of Discovery, 199;
and settlers, 5 5, 75; and US occu­
pation of Mexico, 12 0- 21
Jennings, Francis, 46 -47, 104
Jim Crow laws, 14 0, 170
Johnson, Andrew, 142
Johnson, Lyndon B., 182 , 208-9
Johnson v. Mcintosh (1 823 ), 199 -200
Joseph (Chief). See Nimi'ipuu

Kaplan, Robert D., 219 -22
Keen, Benjamin, 40
Keetoowah secret society, 1 5 8
Kennedy, John F., 178 -79
Kennewick Man, 23 2-3 3
Kickapoo (Coahuila Kikapu) Nation,
Killsback, Leo, 204-5
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 50, 78,
182 -8 3
King, Matthew, 190- 91
King George's War (1744-48), 67
King Hagler, 69-70
King Philip's War (1675), 64
Kintpuash (Captain Jack), 223- 24
Jackson, Andrew: background of, 53, Kiowa Nation, 143
96 -97,' 1 08-9; and genocide, 94, Knickmeyer, Ellen, 194 -9 5
97-102, 10 9-14; imperialism of, Knox, Henry, 81, 88, 91, 92
10 7- 10 , 253n26; as "Indian hater," Kroeber, Arthur, 232
59; and Indian removal policy, Kuznick, Peter, 228
10 9-14; and Muskogee War, 93,
97-101; and persistence of denial,
11 4-16; and Santa Fe Trail, 12 2;
and Seminole Wars, 97, 10 1-2;
and settler patriotism, 103, 10 6,
10 7; and Texas, 12 7; and Trail of
Tears, 112 -14; and treaties with
Indigenous nations, 111 ; and Walt
Whitman, 11 7-1 8
Jacobson, Dan, 48
Jamestown settlement, 60-61, 19 5

LaDuke, Winona, 226
Lakotas: seizure of Black Hills from,
18 0, 18 8, 207; Wounded Knee
massacre of, 154 -56; Wounded
Knee siege by, 18 5-8 6
land: and Civil War, 13 3-34; and
genocide, 2, 6, 8-10; and Indian
reservations, 10 -12; and manifest
destiny, 2-3, 5-6; and national
narrative, 2, 3-4, 12 -13; as private
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