An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

Mexican War (1846), 11 7, 12 3,
13 0-3 2
Mexican workers, deportation of, 176
Mexico: abolishment of slavery by,
12 7; early Indigenous civilizations
in, 17 -21; independence movement
in, 12 0; indigenous people of occu­
pied, 125 -30; land grants in, 123,
12 6-2 7; revolution of Indigenous
farmers in, 16 7; US colonization
of, 12 1-24; and US imperialism,
IIB-21; views on US invasion and
occupation of, 13 0-3 2
Miamis, 81 -8 3
Micronesians, 22 5-26
migration(s): of Cherokees, 21; and
cultivation of corn, 22, 30 ; to
Indian Territory, 112 , II 5; inter­
state, 8; to and from reservations,
25 9n20; of Scots-Irish, 52 -53, 54,
96; seasonal, 29; of Sioux, 152 ;
through Mexico, 30
migratory genocide, 149
Mi'kmaq people, 67
Miles, Nelson A., 13 9, 149, 16 4, 165
militarization, 225 -2 8
military names, 56 -57
militia(s): in "Black Hawk War," II l;
in Cherokee territory, 89; colonial,
58 -60, 64; in French and Indian
War, 67, 69, 71; and Green Corn
Rebellion, 16 7; in Illinois and Indi­
ana Territories, 87; under Andrew
Jackson, 97, 99; and Modocs, 223 ;
and Muskogee Nation, 92 ; in Ohio
Country, 72, 73, 81; regular army
and, 94; Rough Riders, 165; Scots­
Irish in, 53 -54; and Second Amend­
ment, Bo; settler, 73, 82, 165; in
Virginia, 75; in West, 137 , 138
Mills, Sid, 18 1-8 2
Miner, H. Craig, 16 7, 168
mining, 19, 209 -10

Mission Dolores, 12 7-2 8
Modoc War, 223-24

Index 289

Monroe, James, 10 2, 133
Monroe Doctrine, 3; Roosevelt
Corollary to, 166
Montezuma II, 21
Montgomery, Archibald, 68 -69
Mooney, James, 112 -1 3
Moriscos, 3 7
Morrill Act (1862), 140
Mount Rushmore, 18 0, 207
Murguia, Alejandro, l 29
Muskogee (Creek) Nation: and allot­
ments, 158 -59; and "civilization"
project, 98; forced removal of, 11 3;
governance of, 26; origins of, 30 ;
Red Sticks of, 98 -99, loo, 101;
resistance by, 90-92; treaties with
Confederacy by, l 3 5
Muskogee Creek Orphan Fund,
Muskogee War (1813-14), 93,
97 -1 01
Myer, Dillon S., 174

NAGPRA (Native American Graves
Protection and Repatriation Act,
19 90), 206
Narragansetts, 63
National Congress of American Indi­
ans (NCAI), 57 , 175, 18 4, 193
National Indian Gaming Association,
National Indian Youth Council
(NIYC), 181, 182 , 185, 210
national narrative, 2, 3-4, 12 -13
Native American Graves Protection
and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA,
19 90), 206
Navajo (Dine) Nation: Fairchild
assembly plant in, 209 ; forced
march of, 138 -39; land base of,
12 ; and mining, 210 ; origins of, 23;
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