An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

292 Index

repatriation, 206, 207, 23 1-3 3
reservations, l0-12, 249n2; and
allotments, 15 8, 15 9, 18 9-90;
Anishinaabe, 216 ; Apache, 15 0;
Cheyenne, 14 6, 14 9-50, 152 ;
crowding in, 15 7; Ghost Dance in,
l 54; and Indigenous funds, 16 8;
industrial plants in, 209; informal,
249n2; Lakota, 155 ; and land
restoration, 171; migration to
and from, 25 9n20; Modoc, 223 ;
Navajo, 17 2; in New England, l 14i
poverty in, 191, 20 8, 211; railroad
and, 188; Sand Creek, 137 -38;
Sioux, 16 4, 185, 190 , 207-8; and
termination policy, 17 4, 191; trad­
ing posts in, 14 4; violence against
womenin, 17 6,214, 262 n3 2
resistance: to allotment, 158 -61; by
Apaches, l 31-3 2, l 50; in Califor­
nia, 12 9; by Cherokee Nation,
69, 75, 76, 87 -90; by Cheyennes,
I49, 16 5; during civil rights era,
17 5-77; culture of, 79; and Ghost
Dance, I53-57; and irregular
forces, 5 8; in King Philip's War,
64; by Miamis, 8I; by Muskogee
Nation, 90-92; in Ohio Country,
83; by Seminole Nation, 10 I-2;
of Sioux, I65; by Tecumseh, 72,
84-87; in Virginia, 6I; in West,
I47, I49-5 3
restitution, land, I75, I79-80, I8I,
205-8, 25 8-59n5
restoration for land claims, 205-8,
revisionism, 5-6, 7
roads in precolonial America, 28 -3 0
Rogers, Robert, 68, 94, 227
Rogers's Rangers, 68, 7I
Rogin, Michael Paul, 109, I I4
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, I70-71,
I7 3

Roosevelt, Theodore, 53, I62,
Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe
Doctrine, I6 6
Ross, John, I 3 5

sacred corn food, 16 -1 7
sacred land, 55, I52, 179-80, 206 -7,
2Il, 236
Sanchez, Marie, 203- 4
Sand Creek Massacre (1864), 93,
I37-3 8
Sandoz, Mari, I49
San Martin, Jose de, II9-20
Santa Fe Trail, I2 2
Sauks, III
scalping, 38 , 52, 63, 64-6 5
scorched-earth campaigns. See total
Scotland, England's invasion of, 3 8
Scots-Irish, 5 I-54, 24 8n17
Second Amendment rights, 50 , 80,
227 -28
"Second Barbary War" (I815-16),
Second Seminole War (1835-42),
self-determination, I8I-86, 202 -5;
economic, 208-10; and Indigenous
governance, 2I5-17
Seminole Nation, 26, 93, IOI, II3
Seminole Wars (1817-58), 97, 10 1-2
Senate Subcommittee on Indian
Affairs, I8o, 25 8n5
Seneca Nation, 77, 82
September II, 200I, terrorist attacks,
Serra, Junfpero, I2 8
settler colonialism, 2-Io; as frame­
work for US history, 7-8; and
genocide, 2, 6, 8-Io; legacy of,
22 9-30; and manifest destiny, 2-3,
5-6; and national narrative, 2, 3-4,
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