Signals and Systems - Electrical Engineering

(avery) #1

12 C H A P T E R 0: From the Ground Up!

signals is given. In Chapter 7, where we consider the problem of sampling, we will use this relation to
determine appropriate values for the sampling period.

0.3.2 Derivatives and Finite Differences

Differentiation is an operation that is approximated in finite calculus. The derivative operator



h→ 0



measures the rate of change of an analog signalx(t). In finite calculus theforward finite-difference

1 [x(nTs)]=x((n+ 1 )Ts)−x(nTs) (0.3)

measures the change in the signal from one sample to the next. If we letx[n]=x(nTs), for a known
Ts, the forward finite-difference operator becomes a function ofn:

1 [x[n]]=x[n+1]−x[n] (0.4)

The forward finite-difference operator measures the difference between two consecutive samples: one
in the futurex((n+ 1 )Ts)and the other in the presentx(nTs). (See Problem 0.4 for a definition of
thebackward finite-difference operator.) The symbolsDand 1 are called operators as they operate on
functions to give other functions. The derivative and the finite-difference operators are clearly not the
same. In the limit, we have that

Ts→ 0

1 [x(nTs)]


Depending on the signal and the chosen value ofTs, the finite-difference operation can be a crude or
an accurate approximation to the derivative multiplied byTs.
Intuitively, if a signal does not change very fast with respect to time, the finite-difference approximates
well the derivative for relatively large values ofTs, but if the signal changes very fast one needs very
small values ofTs. The concept of frequency of a signal can help us understand this. We will learn that
the frequency content of a signal depends on how fast the signal varies with time; thus a constant
signal has zero frequency while a noisy signal that changes rapidly has high frequencies. Consider a
constant signalx 0 (t)=2 having a derivative of zero (i.e., such a signal does not change at all with
respect to time or it is a zero-frequency signal). If we convert this signal into a discrete-time signal
using a sampling periodTs=1 (or any other positive value), thenx 0 [n]=2 and so

1 [x 0 [n]]= 2 − 2 = 0

coincides with the derivative. Consider then a signalx 1 (t)=twith derivative 1 (this signal changes
faster thanx(t)so it has frequencies larger than zero). If we sample it usingTs=1, thenx 1 [n]=n
and the finite difference is

1 [x 1 [n]]= 1 [n]=(n+ 1 )−n= 1
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