Signals and Systems - Electrical Engineering

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330 CHAPTER 5: Frequency Analysis: The Fourier Transform

the desirable frequency band or bands, and let it be close to zero in those frequencies we would not
want in the output signal.
If the input signalx(t)is periodic of periodT 0 , or fundamental frequency 0 = 2 π/T 0 , the Fourier
transform of the output is


= 2 π


XkH(jk 0 )δ(−k 0 ) (5.21)

where the magnitude and the phase of each of the Fourier series coefficients are changed by the fre-
quency response of the filter at the harmonic frequencies. Indeed,Xkcorresponding to the frequency
k 0 is changed into

XkH(jk 0 )=|Xk||H(jk 0 )|ej(∠Xk+∠H(jk^0 ))

The filter outputy(t)is also periodic of periodT 0 but is missing the harmonics of the input that have
been filtered out.

The above shows that independent of whether the input signalx(t)is periodic or aperiodic, the output
signaly(t)has the frequency components allowed through by the filter.

nExample 5.13
Consider how to obtain a dc source using a full-wave rectifier and a low-pass filter (it keeps only
the low-frequency components). Let the full-wave rectified signalx(t)be the input of the filter
and let the output of the filter bey(t). We wanty(t)=1 volt. The rectifier and the low-pass filter
constitute a system that converts alternating into direct voltage.


We found in Chapter 4 that the Fourier series coefficients ofx(t)=|cos(πt)|,−∞<t<∞, are
given by


2 (− 1 )k
π( 1 − 4 k^2 )

so that the average ofx(t)isX 0 = 2 /π. To filter out all the harmonics and leave only the average
component, we need an ideal low-pass filter with a magnitudeAand a cut-off frequency 0<
c<  0 where 0 = 2 π/T 0 = 2 πis the fundamental frequency ofx(t). Thus, the filter is given by
H(j)=Afor− 0 < c<  0 and zero otherwise. According to the convolution property, then


 2 πX 0 δ()+

k6= 0

2 πXkδ(−k 0 )

= 2 πAX 0 δ()
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