New Zealandâs Chat-ham Islands include TeTara Koi Koia (the Pyra-mid), the only breedingground of the vulnera-ble Chatham albatross.Some 5,000 breedingpairs nest there eachyear. During April andJuly, most fly 6,000miles to the southwestcoast of South America,following the currentnorth to Peru.``````NEXT PHOTOThe most shelterednesting site is a natu-ral cave high up on TeTara Koi Koia. Inside,nests protected fromerosion from wind andrain form pedestals tallas top hats. The downygray chicks will fledgein five monthsâ time.
Some of the most endangered albatrossand other seabird species breedin only one place: a rocky archipelago500 miles east of New Zealand.SEABIRDS 139
martin jones
(Martin Jones)