Latinos came toWilder, Idaho, asmigrant farmworkersin the second halfof the 20th century;today theyâre 76 per-cent of the population.Miguel Arredondoarrived in 1972 andstill has his first Amer-ican car, this scarredChevy. His grandkidsalso live in Wilder;the bouncy castle isfor their baptism cele-bration. Guests includeSantiago Rojero andhis son, Santiago Jr.PREVIOUS PHOTOMembers of the PalmerSociety, a campuswomenâs organization,celebrate their gradua-tion from WhittierCollege in California.The schoolâRichardNixonâs alma materânow ranks among themost diverse collegesin the United States,and the town of Whit-tier is predominantlyLatino and increasinglyaffluent.88 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC
martin jones
(Martin Jones)