Web Development with jQuery®

(Elliott) #1



fl ast.indd 02/19/2015 Page xxii

➤ (^) Chapter 2: Selecting and Filtering—This chapter introduces jQuery’s selector engine, which
uses selectors like you have used with CSS to make selections from the DOM. It discusses the
various methods that jQuery exposes for working with a selection to give you fi ne-grained
control over what elements you’re working with from the DOM. It talks about methods that
enable you to select ancestor elements, parent elements, sibling elements, and descendant
elements; how to remove elements from a selection, how to add elements to a selection, and
how to reduce a selection to a specifi c subset of elements.
➤ (^) Chapter 3: Events—This chapter discusses jQuery’s event wrapper methods, how to attach
event handlers that don’t have built-in wrapper methods, how to remove event handlers, how
to attach persistent event handlers, how to create custom events, and how to namespace your
events for easier reference.
➤ (^) Chapter 4: Manipulating Content and Attributes—You learn how to use the methods that
jQuery exposes for working with content, text, and HTML, and element attributes. jQuery
provides methods for doing just about everything you’ll want to do to an element.
➤ (^) Chapter 5: Iteration of Arrays and Objects—This is about how you can enumerate over a
selection of elements or an array using jQuery. As with everything else, jQuery provides an
easier way that requires fewer lines of code to loop over the contents of an array or a selec-
tion of elements from the DOM.
➤ (^) Chapter 6: CSS—You learn about the methods that jQuery exposes for working with CSS
properties and declarations. jQuery provides intuitive and versatile methods that enable you
to manipulate CSS in a variety of ways.
➤ (^) Chapter 7: AJAX—An elaboration on the methods that jQuery exposes for making
AJAX requests from a server, which enable you to request server content without working
directly with the XMLHttpRequest object and supports handling server responses in a variety
of formats.
➤ (^) Chapter 8: Animation and Easing Effects—This covers the methods jQuery provides for ani-
mating elements, including showing and hiding via a simple animation, fading in and fading
out, sliding up and sliding down, using completely custom animation, and a variety of easing
effects that you can use to control the fl ow of time in an animation.
➤ (^) Chapter 9: Plugins—How to make your own jQuery plugins.
➤ (^) Chapter 10: Scrollbars—An explanation of making containers scrollable, including getting
and setting the scroll position.
➤ (^) Chapter 11: HTML5 Drag and Drop—The offi cial W3C drag-and drop API for dragging
and dropping elements within a browser window. This API is considerably different from
the Draggable and Droppable jQuery UI plugins because it enables drag and drop between
completely different browser windows or applications. Also introduced is the W3C drag-and-
drop fi le upload specifi cation.

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