biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Absorbed radiation measurements are used to improve the safety of crew members and to
develop more efficient radiation shielding.

In the space environment, humans are exposed to a complex mixed radiation field. The
evaluation of neutron components of the radiation environment in spacecraft, both in low-
Earth orbits and in deep space, is of great importance because of their high LET (Linear Energy
Transfer); especially in view of long-term space missions as on the ISS; whereby, neutrons can
produce dramatic damages to the health of crew members as well as the instrumentation.

Sporulation of the yeasts included in the experiment was not found to be altered by the space
environment. However, it was found that some species of Saccharomyces genus could not
germinate in spaceflight, suggesting that germination is species and possibly strain dependent.
There were also differences in spore viability suggesting that spaceflight affects hybrid viability
and thus the formation of new species.

No differences in the germination rate were found in both the genotypes under flight and
ground conditions. It was also noted that the hypocotyls (structures that eventually form the
plant stems) were long due to the seeds being kept in darkness in all conditions and genotypes.

The preliminary results indicate that the dose equivalent rate due to space radiation exposure
during the STS-134 mission is 320μSv/die (measured by TLD100 and TLD700) and 360μSv
(measured by TLD600), according with the results obtained from long-duration flights.

After flight, the mutant cells displayed a higher photosynthetic performance and a faster rate
of re-growth indicating a higher capacity of stress recovering. The enhanced capability to
survive the cosmic adverse conditions has been related to a particular localization of the amino
acid substitution in the D-1 structure.

Flight tardigrades, small water-dwelling animals, of 2 species showed a very high postflight
survival rate, unaffected by microgravity or cosmic radiation. Flight females laid eggs with
normal shape that were able to hatch. Newborns exhibited normal morphology and behavior
and also laid viable eggs at sexual maturity.

Work is in progress to analyze the DNA from the dosimeters and the Eppendorf vials and to
measure the dose integrated by the diamond dosimeters.

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