biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

MyoLab Kohno S, Yamashita Y, Abe T, et al. Unloading
stress disturbs muscle regeneration through
perturbed recruitment and function of
macrophages. Journal of Applied Physiology.
March 1, 2012;112(10):1773-1782. doi:


MyoLab Lago CU, Nowinski SM, Rundhaug JE, et al.
Mitochondrial respiratory uncoupling promotes
keratinocyte differentiation and blocks skin
carcinogenesis. Oncogene. January 23,
2012;31(44):4725-4731. doi:


MyoLab Utsunomiya K, Owaki K, Okumura Y, et al. An
intracellular fragment of osteoactivin formed by
ectodomain shedding translocated to the
nucleoplasm and bound to RNA binding
proteins. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and
Biochemistry. 2012;76(12):2225-2229. doi:


MyoLab Yano S, Masuda D, Kasahara H, et al. Excellent
thermal control ability of cell biology
experiment facility (CBEF) for ground-based
experiments and experiments onboard the Kibo
Japanese Experiment Module of International
Space Station. Biological Sciences in Space.
2012;26: 12-20. doi: 10.2187/bss.26.12.


Neocytolysis Rizzo AM, Turello M, Antonutto G. Effects of
spaceflight on erythropoiesis a study on
neocytolysis. 2008 Life in Space for Life on Earth
Symposium, Angers, France. June 22-27, 2008;
48 pp.


Neuro Rad Indo HP, Nakanishi I, Ohkubo K, et al.
Comparison of in vivo and in vitro antioxidative
parameters for eleven food factors. RSC
Advances. 2013;3(14):4535. doi:


Neuro Rad Indo HP, Inanami O, Koumura T, et al. Roles of
mitochondria-generated reactive oxygen
species on X-ray-induced apoptosis in a human
hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, HLE. Free
Radical Research. August 2012;46(8):1029-

  1. doi: 10.3109/10715762.2012.698012.


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