biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Microbe Sarker SF, Ott CM, Barrila J, Nickerson
CA. Discovery of spaceflight-related virulence
mechanisms in Salmonella and other microbial
pathogens: Novel approaches to commercial
vaccine development. Gravitational and Space
Biology. 2010;23(2):75-78.


Microbe Nauman EA, Ott CM, Sander E, et al. A novel
quantitative biosystem to model physiological
fluidsShear stress on cells. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology. February


Microbe Sittka A, Pfeiffer V, Tedin K, Vogel J. The RNA
chaperone Hfq is essential for the virulence of
Salmonella typhimurium. Molecular
Microbiology. 2007;63(1):193-217. doi:
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Microbe Wilson JW, Ott CM, Honer zu Bentrup K, et al.
Spaceflight alters bacterial gene expression and
virulence and reveals a role for global regulator.
Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America.
2007;104(41):16299-16304. doi:


Microbe Nickerson CA, Ott CM, Wilson JW, Ramamurthy
R, Pierson DL. Microbial responses to
microgravity and other low-shear
environments. Microbiology and Molecular
Biology Reviews. 2004;68(2):345-361.


Microbe-I/II Ott CM, Pierson D, Shirakawa M, et al. Space
habitation and microbiology: Status and
roadmap of space agencies. Microbes and
Environments. 2014;29(3):239-242. doi:


Microbe-I/II Venkateswaran K, La Duc MT, Horneck G.
Microbial existence in controlled habitats and
their resistance to space conditions. Microbes
and Environments. 2014;29(3):243-249. doi:
10.1264/ jsme2.ME14032.


Microbe-I/II Yamaguchi N, Roberts M, Castro S, et al
Microbial monitoring of crewed habitats in
space—Current status and future perspectives.
Microbes and Environments. 2014;29(3):250-

  1. doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME14031.


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