biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

PESTO Stutte GW, Monje O, Goins GD, Tripathy BC.
Microgravity effects on thylakoid, single leaf,
and whole canopy photosynthesis on dwarf
wheat. Planta. 2005:1-11. doi: 10.1007/s00425-
005 - 0066 - 2.


PESTO Frazier CM, Simpson JB, Roberts MS, et al.
Bacterial and fungal communities in BPS
chambers and root modules. SAE Technical
Paper. 2003;2003-01-2528. doi: 10.4271/2003-
01 - 2528.


PESTO Stutte GW, Monje O, Anderson S. Wheat
(Triticum Aesativum L. cv. USU Apogee) growth
onboard the International Space Station (ISS):
Germination and early development. Plant
Growth Regulation Society of America, Miami
Beach, Florida; 2003 64-69.


PESTO Stutte GW, Monje O, Porterfield DM, Goins GD,
Bingham GE. Farming in space: Environmental
and biochemical concerns. Advances in Space
Research. 2003;31:151-167.


PGBA Heyenga AG, Kliss M, Blackford C. The
performance of a miniature plant cultivation
system designed for space flight application.
35th International Conference on Environmental
Systems, Rome, Italy; July 2005 [New designs
influenced by lessons learned].


PGBA Heyenga AG, Stodieck LS, Hoehn A, Kliss M,
Blackford C. Approaches in the design of a space
plant cultivation facility for Arabidopsis thaliana.
34th International Conference On
Environmental Systems, Colorado, Springs,
Colorado; 2004 [New designs influenced by
lessons learned].


Resist Wall Hoson T, Matsumoto S, Soga K, et al. Growth
and cell wall properties in hypocotyls of
Arabidopsis tua6 mutant under microgravity
conditions in space. Biological Sciences in Space.
2009;23(4):71-76. doi: 10.2187/bss.23.71.


Resist Wall Hoson T, Soga K, Wakabayashi K. Role of the cell
wall-sustaining system in gravity resistance in
plants. Biological Sciences in Space.
2009;23(3):131-136. doi: 10.2187/bss.23.131.


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