biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Vsplesk Aleksandrin SY, Bakaldin AV, Batischev AG, et al.
High-energy charged particle flux dynamics in
the near-Earth space caused by solar-
magnetospheric and geophysical phenomena.
33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference 2013,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 2013.


Vsplesk Aleksandrin SY, Galper A, Koldashov SV. The
study of local perturbations in the radiation belt
in the Arina and Vsplesk satellite experiments.
31st All-Russian Conference on Cosmic Rays,
Moscow, Russia; 2010.


Vsplesk Aleksandrin SY, Koldashov SV. Monitoring local
perturbations in the radiation belt using data
from the Arina and Vsplesk experiments.
Scientific Session НИЯУ МИФИ-2010, Moscow,
Russia; 2010.


Earth and Space Science: Heliophysics
SolACES Thuillier MG, Bolsee D, Schmidtke G, et al. The
solar irradiance spectrum at solar activity
minimum between solar cycles 23 and 24. Solar
Physics. June 2014;289(6):1931-1958. doi:
10.1007/s11207- 013 - 0461 - y.


SolACES Nikutowski B, Brunner R, Erhardt C, Knecht S,
Schmidtke G. Distinct EUV minimum of the solar
irradiance (16-40 nm) observed by SolACES
spectrometers onboard the International Space
Station (ISS) in August/September 2009.
Advances in Space Research. 2011;48(5):899-

  1. doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2011.05.002.


SOLSPEC Thuillier MG, Bolsee D, Schmidtke G, et al. The
solar irradiance spectrum at solar activity
minimum between solar cycles 23 and 24. Solar
Physics. June 2014;289(6):1931-1958. doi:
10.1007/s11207- 013 - 0461 - y.


SOLSPEC Schmidtke G, Froelich C, Thuillier MG. ISS-
SOLAR: Total (TSI) and spectral (SI) irradiance
measurements. Advances in Space Research.
January 2006;37(2):255-264.doi:


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