biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Relaksatsiya Karabadzhak GF, Plastinin YA, Rodionov AV,
Szhenov EY, Sipachev GF, Khmelinin BA.
Spectrosegmental studies in superlow natural
and man-made emissions in the Earth’s upper
atmosphere and ionosphere. Kosmonavtika i
Raketostroenie (Cosmonautics and Rocket
Engineering). 2007;49(4):26-32.


Relaksatsiya Karabadzhak GF, Plastinin YA, Szhenov EY,
Khmelinin BA. Specification of oxygen atom
concentration profiles in Earth’s upper
atmosphere basing on experimental data
received from manned space stations.
Kosmonavtika i Raketostroenie (Cosmonautics
and Rocket Engineering). 2007;46(1):38-43.


Relaksatsiya Zemlyanskiy BA, Karabadzhak GF, Plastinin YA.
The relaxation space experiments: Scientific
objectives, instruments and results of the
studies at the International Space Station
Russian Segment. Kosmonavtika i
Raketostroenie (Cosmonautics and Rocket
Engineering). 2007;49(4):33-40.


Relaksatsiya Karabadzhak GF. Revelation of the effective
cross-section of the O + H2O = OH (A) + OH (X)
reaction during hypervelocity collisions of
components by measuring the intensity of
hydroxyl glow in the course of space
experiments. Kosmonavtika i Raketostroenie
(Cosmonautics and Rocket Engineering).


SEDA-AP Kimoto Y, Ishizawa J, Shimamura H. Passive
space environment effect measurement on
JEM/MPAC&SEED. Berlin: Protection of
Materials and Structures From the Space
Environment; 2013.


SEDA-AP Miyazaki E, Kimoto Y, Yokota R. Flight
experiment results of the polysiloxane-block-
polyimide BSF-30 on the JEM/MPAC&SEED
mission on the ISS. Berlin: Protection of
Materials and Structures From the Space
Environment; 2013.


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