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Human Research: Bone and Muscle Physiology
Biopsy Fitts RH, Colloton PA, Trappe SW, Costill DL,
Bain JL, Riley DA. Effects of prolonged space
flight on human skeletal muscle enzyme and
substrate profiles. Journal of Applied Physiology.
September 1, 2013; 115(5):667-679. doi:
Biopsy Bagley JR, Murach KA, Trappe SW. Microgravity-
induced fiber type shift in human skeletal
muscle. Gravitational and Space Biology.
Biopsy Fitts RH, Trappe SW, Costill DL, et al. Prolonged
space flight-induced alterations in the structure
and function of human skeletal muscle fibers.
Journal of Physiology. 2010;588:3567-3592. doi:
Biopsy Trappe SW, Costill DL, Gallagher PM, et al.
Exercise in space: Human skeletal muscle after 6
months aboard the International Space Station.
Journal of Applied Physiology. January 15, 2009;
106: 1159-1168. doi: