biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Rhythm Beckers F, Verheyden B, Morukov BV, Aubert
AE. Impact of spaceflight on cardiovascular
autonomic control. 35th COSPAR Scientific
Assembly, Paris, France; July 18-25, 2004. [Also:
Beckers F, Verheyden B, Morukov BV, Aubert A.
Impact of spaceflight on cardiovascular
autonomic control. Proceedings of the 55th IAC,
2004, IAC- 04 - G.P.01, IAC.]


Rhythm Beckers F, Verheyden B, Aubert AE. Evolution
of heart rate variabilty before, during, and after
spaceflight. Journal of Gravitational Physiology.


Sonocard Bogomolov VV, Funtova II, Slepchenkova IN,
and Chernikova AG. Prospects of medical
monitoring of long duration spaceflights by
means of non-contact recording of physiological
functions during sleep time. Human Physiology.
2011;37:816-820. doi:


Sonocard Fedorova IN, Chernikova AG. Study of the
possibility of obtaining real-time data on ISS
crewmember health status using data from the
Sonocard experiment. 8th Scientific Conference
of Young Scientists, Dubna, Russia; 2004.


Sonocard Funtova II, Luchitskaya ES, Slepchenkova IN,
Tank J, Baevsky RM. Comparative assessment of
the results of daytime and nighttime research
on heart rate variability on board the
International Space Station. 5th All-Russian
Conference on Analyzing Heart Rate Variability,
Izhevsk, Russia; October 26-28, 2011.


Sonocard Luchitskaya ES, Funtova II, Katuntsev V, Baevsky
RM. Analysis of heart rate variability during
sleep before and after performing a spacewalk.
5th All-Russian Conference on Analyzing Heart
Rate Variability, Izhevsk, Russia; October 26-28,


Sonocard Slepchenkova IN, Luchitskaya ES, Funtova II,
Baevsky RM. Heart rate variability during sleep
in weightlessness. 5th All-Russian Conference on
Analyzing Heart Rate Variability, Izhevsk,
Russia; October 26-28, 2011.


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