biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

BIMS Popova II, Goncharov IB. Diagnostics and
emergency medical care to members of ISS
crew use of means of a telemedicine. 14th
International Conference Anticrisis and
Innovative Potential of Telemedicine and E-
health, Moscow, Russia; September 21-24,


BIMS Popova II, Goncharov IB, Anokhina LD.
Information technologies for storing
International Space Station medical support
data. Aviatsionnaya i Kosmicheskaya Meditsina.


BIMS Revyakin YG, Orlov OI, Goncharov IB, Popova II,
Bogoslavsky VE. Creation of integrated media of
telemedical consultative service. 4th European
Congress Medicine in Space and in Extreme
Environments Achievements for Health Care on
Earth, Berlin, Germany; October 24-26, 2007.


BIMS Revyakin YG, Orlov OI, Gontharov IB, Popova II,
Bogoslavsky VE. Creation of integrated media of
telemedical consultative service. 4th European
Congress Medicine in Space and in Extreme
Environments Achievements for Health Care on
Earth. Berlin, Germany. October 24-26, 2007;34 -


BIMS Grigorev AI, Orlov OI. Telemedicine and Space
Flight. Aviation Space and Environmental
Medicine. 2002;73:688-693.


BIMS Popova II, Orlov OI, Goncharov IB, Revyakin YG.
Testing telemedicine support technologies for
the medical support of manned missions during
the first stage of the BIMS experiment.
International Space Station, Moscow, Russian
Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Biomedical
Problems. 2011:219-228.


BIMS Goncharov IB, Popova II, Baranov MV, Anokhina
LD. Testing and selecting hardware to simulate
onboard telemetered examinations and to
conduct scientific research on the Russian
segment of the ISS. Aviakosmicheskaya I
ekologicheskaya meditsina. 2005;39(5):59-60.


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