biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Stability-Nutrition Zwart SR, Gibson CR, Mader TH, et al. Vision
changes after spaceflight are related to
alterations in folate- and vitamin B-12-
dependent one-carbon metabolism. Journal of
Nutrition. March 1, 2012;142(3):427-431. doi:


Stability-Nutrition Zwart SR, Kloeris VA, Perchonok MH, Braby LA,
Smith SM. Assessment of nutrient stability in
foods from the space food system after long-
duration spaceflight on the ISS. Journal of Food
Science. 2009;74(7). doi: 10.1111/j.1750-


Human Research: Microbiology
Myco Makimura K, Satoh K, Sugita T, Yamazaki TQ.
Fungal biota in manned space environment and
impact on human health. Nippon Eiseigaku
Zasshi. 2011;66(1):77-82. doi:


Sample Van Tongeren SP, Degener JE, Harmsen HJ.
Comparison of three rapid and easy bacterial DNA
extraction methods for use with quantitative real-
time PCR. European Journal of Clinical
Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. 2011 February
11; 30(9): 1053-1061. DOI: 10.1007/s10096-011-
1191 - 4.


Human Research: Nervous and Vestibular Systems
3D-Space Clement G, Skinner A, Lathan CE. Distance and
size perception in astronauts during long-
duration spaceflight. Life. December 13,
2013;3(4):524-537. doi: 10.3390/life3040524.


3D-Space Clement G, Skinner A, Richard G, Lathan CE.
Geometric illusions in astronauts during long-
duration spaceflight. NeuroReport.
2012;23(15):894-899. doi: 10.1097/WNR.


ETD Clarke AH, Just K, Krzok W, Schonfeld U.
Listing’s plane and the 3D-VOR inmicrogravity--
the role of the otolith afferences. Journal of
Vestibular Research. January 1, 2013;23(2):61-

  1. doi: 10.3233/VES-130476.


ETD Clarke AH, Kornilova LN. Ocular torsion
response to active head-roll movement under
one-g and zero-g conditions. Journal of
Vestibular Research. 2007;17(2-3):99-111.


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