biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

CFE Jenson RM, Weislogel MM, Klatte J, Dreyer ME.
Dynamic fluid interface experiments aboard the
International Space Station: Model
benchmarking dataset. Journal of Spacecraft
and Rockets. July-August, 2010; 47(4):670-679.
doi: 10.2514/1.47343.


CFE Chen Y, Weislogel MM, Jenson RM, Collicott SH,
Dreyer M, Klatte J. The capillary flow
experiment aboard the International Space
Station: Status. Acta Astronautica. 2009;65:861-

  1. doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2009.03.008.


CFE Weislogel MM, Jenson RM, Tavan NT, Bunnell
CT. Capillary flow experiments aboard ISS. 47th
Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit,
Orlando, FL; 2009.


CFE Weislogel MM, Chen Y, Bolleddula DA. A better
nondimensionalization scheme for slender
laminar flows: The Laplacian operator scaling
method. Physics of Fluids. 2008;20(9):093602- 1

  • 093602 - 7. doi: 10.1063/1.2973900. [d]


CFE Weislogel MM, Chen Y, Collicott SH, Jenson RM.
Capillary wetting analysis of the CFE-Vane Gap
geometry. 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences
Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV; 2008. [a]


CFE Weislogel MM, Haake D, Dreyer M, Klatte J. A
fast numerical procedure for steady capillary
flow in open channels. Acta Mechanica.
2008;201:269-276. doi: 10.1007/s00707-008-
0063 - 1. [c]


CFE Weislogel MM, Jenson RM, Chen Y, Collicott SH,
Klatte J, Dreyer ME. Postflight summary of the
Capillary Flow Experiments aboard the
International Space Station. 59th International
Astronautical Congress, Glasgow, Scotland;

  1. IAC- 08 - A2.6.A8.


CFE Weislogel MM, Jenson RM, Collicott SH,
Williams SL. Geometry pumping on spacecraft
(The CFE-Vane Gap Experiments on ISS). Japan
Society of Microgravity Application. 2008;25(3):
291 - 295. [e]


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