biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

VCAM Schaefer RT, Mojarradi M, Chutjian A, Darrach
MR, MacAskill J, Tran TA, Burke GR, Madzunkov
SM, Blaes BR, Thomas JL, Stern R, Zhu DQ,
inventors; Electronic drive and acquisition
system for mass spectrometry. US patent
7,772,550. August 10, 2010.


Technology Development: Avionics and Software
DTN Jenkins A, Kuzminsky S, Gifford K, Pitts RL,
Nichols K. Delay/Disruption-tolerant
networking: Flight test results from the
International Space Station. 2010 IEEE
Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT; March 6-13,


EST Fortezza R, Pontetti G, Martinelli E, Lo Castro F,
Di Natale C, D'Amico A. Soyuz missions and taxi
flights. New opportunities for technology
development. An example: The ENEIDE mission.
Acta Astronautica. 2006 July; 59(1-5): 351-357.
doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2006.02.025.


Technology Development: Communication and Navigation
ENEIDE Pugliese M, Bengin V, Casolino M, Roca V,
Zanini A, Durante M. Tests of shielding
effectiveness of Kevlar and Nextel onboard the
International Space Station and the Foton-M3
capsule. Radiation and Environmental
Biophysics. April 3, 2010;49(3):359-363. doi:
10.1007/s00411- 010 - 0283 - 3.


ENEIDE Bertucci A, Durante M, Gialanella G, et al.
Biological dosimetry in the ENEIDE mission on
the International Space Station. Microgravity
Science and Technology. September 2007;19(5-
6):206-209. doi: 10.1007/BF02919483 [Also
Biodosimetry results].


ENEIDE Zin A, Landenna S, Conti A, Marradi L, Di
Raimondo MS. ENEIDE: An experiment of a
spaceborne, L1/L2 integrated
GPS/WAAS/EGNOS receiver. Microgravity
Science and Technology. September 2007;19(5-
6):54-59. doi: 10.1007/BF02919453.


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