ABRS Advanced Biological Research System
ACE Advanced Colloid Experiment
ACK Acoustic Countermeasure Kit
Actin Role of Weightlessness on Metabolism
ADF Avian Development Facility
ADF-Otolith Development and Function of the Avian Otolith System in Normal and
Altered Gravity Environments
ADF-Skeletal Skeletal Development in Embryonic Quail on the ISS
ADUM Advanced Diagnostic Ultrasound in Microgravity
AdvAsc Advanced Astroculture
AEA ancillary equipment area
AEA N-arachidonoylethanolamine
AEM animal enclosure module
AES Agrospace Experiments Suite
AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory
AGEING Drosophila Motility, Behaviour and Ageing
AGN Active Galactice Nucleus
AIS Automatic Identification System
Study of the Resistance of a Modeled Closed Ecosystem and Chains of its
Components in Microgravity
ALARA as low as reasonably achievable
ALS advanced life support
ALTCRISS Alteino Long Term Cosmic Ray Measurements on board the International Space Station
ALTEA Anomalous Long-term Effects in Astronauts’ Central Nervous System
Alteino Space Radiation Effects on the Central Nervous System
AMD arithmetic mean diameter
Amphibody Antibody V(D)J Recombination Machinery in Normal and Altered Gravity
AMS- 02 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer
ANDE Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment
ANDE - 2 Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment - 2