biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Identification of Sources of Disturbances During Disruption of
Microgravity on the International Space Station
IDZ impurity depletion zone
I-ENOS Italian-Electronic NOse for Space
INFy interferon gamma
IFRECOR l’Initiative Française pour les Récifs Corallines
IGF- 1 insulin-like growth factor 1
IgM Immunolglobin M
IGRF International Geomagnetic Reference Field
Il- 2 Interleukin- 2
IMCs intermetallic matrix composites
Imedias Observation of Environmental Phenomena


Integrated Research on Low-Frequency Acoustic and Electromagnetic
Fields in the ISS Habitation Compartments


Neuroendocrine and Immune Responses in Humans During and After
Long Term Stay at ISS
Impuls Stage 1 Altering the Ionosphere by Pulsed Plasma Sources
In-flight Education
Downlinks International Space Station In-flight Education Downlinks^
INS Inertial navigational systems
InSb indium antimonide

InSPACE Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Emulsion

Interactions Crew Member and Crew-Ground Interaction During International
SpaceStation Missions
Interaction Research on Intercellular Interaction in Space Flight^
IPY International Polar Year
iRED Interim Resistance Exercise Device
IRI International Reference Ionosphere
IRIS Image Reversal in Space
Iskazheniye Determining and Analyzing the Magnetic Interference on the ISS
ISR Incoherent Scatter Radar
ISS International Space Station
ISS Acoustics International Space Station Acoustic Measurement Program
ISS Exploration Science for the Improvement of Future Space Exploration
ISS External
Environments International Space Station External Environments^
ISS External

International Space Station Internal Radiation Monitoring
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