MAA Mock ANDE Active
MABE Microheater Array Boiling Experiment
MACE-II Middeck Active Control Experiment-II
MAI- 75 Spacecraft and Modern Technologies for Personal Communications
MAMS Microgravity Acceleration Measurement System
Marangoni-Exp Chaos, Turbulence and its Transition Process in Marangoni Convection
Marangoni-UVP Spatio-temporal Flow Structure in Marangoni Convection
MARDI Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Study of Mass-Exchange Properties of Capillary-Porous Bodies, Root
Habitable Media, in Spaceflight Conditions
Matroshka-2A Measuring Radiation Hazards in Space
Study of the Depth Dose Distribution Inside a Human Phantom Using the
Matroshka Facility Onboard the Russian Segment of the International
Space Station
Study of Depth Dose Distribution Inside a Human Phantom Using the
Matroshka Facility
MATI-75 Demonstrating the Effect of Restoring the Form of Billets Made of Cellular Polymer Materials
MAUI Maui analysis of upper atmospheric injections
MAXI Monitor of All-sky X-Ray Image
MAX-SSC MAXI Solid-state Slit Camera
Mb-YQR triple mutant myoglobin
mBAND Multicolor Banding Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization
MBP multi-body platform
MDA Materials Diffusion Apparatus
MDRV microbial drug resistance and virulence
MDS Mice Drawer System
MDS microbe detection sheet
MDU mobile detector unit
MEIS Marangoni Experiment in Space
MELFI Minus Eighty Degrees Celsius Laboratory Freezer
MEMS Microelectromechanical System
MEPS Microencapsulation Electrostatic Processing System
MEPSI Microelectromechanical System-based Picosat Inspector
MER Mars exploration rover
MESA miniature electro-static accelerometer
Microbiological Experiment on Space Station About Gene Expression-1,-
Recording Micrometeoroid and Technogenic Particle on the External
Surface of the ISS Russian Segment Service Module
MeV mega electron volt