biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Nanoslab-1, -2

Study of Aggregation Mechanism and Kinetics of ZSM-5 and Silicate- 1
Nanoslabs into ZSM-5/Silicate-1 Hybird Phases Under Near-2 Weightless


Preparing Nanosatellite and Launching it from the Russian Segment of
the International Space Station
NaOH sodium hydroxide
NEEMO NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations
Neocytolysis Effects of Microgravity on the Haemopoietic System


Directed Attention Brain Potentials in Virtual 3-D Space in

Neuro Rad Biological Effects of Space Radiation and Microgravity on Mammalian Cells

Neurospat Effect of Gravitational Context on EEG Dynamics: A Study of Spatial Cognition, Novelty Processing and Sensorimotor Integration

NF-κβ nuclear factor kappa beta
NGM nematode growth medium
NiSO4 nickel sulfate
NK natural killer cells
NKA Natural Killer Cell Activity in Microgravity
NLP National Laboratory Pathfinder
nm nanometer
NO nitric oxide
NOA-1, - 2 Exhaled Nitric Oxide-1, - 2
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NORAIS The Norwegian Automatic Identification System
NPBX Nucleate Pool Boiling Experiment
NRS numeric rating scale
NSSS Navy Space Surveillance System
NSTDA National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand
NTDP nuclear track detectors with and without converter

N-USOC (^) Norwegian User Support Operations Center
Nutrition (^) Nutritional Status Assessment
ODK Onboard Diagnostic Kit
OEE Oil Emulsions Experiment
OH hydroxide
OH orthostatic hypotension
OLP(s) Ordered Liquid Phase(s)
OMS Orbital Maneuvering System
OOR otolith-ocular reflex
OPE on-board proficiency enhancer

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