of the internal surface of the Glovebox-S apparatus. The same varieties of fungi and bacteria
were encountered fairly frequently when the non-sterility of the Glovebox-S apparatus, both
inside and out, was revealed.
It was possible to determine that the surface of the Glovebox-S apparatus was non-sterile in 2
places: the surface of the lower loading hatch after the performance of the Kaskad experiment
and after sterilization, and the surface of the loading port. Using the data obtained, one may
conclude that the hypothesis concerning the introduction of contaminating microflora through
the placement into the glovebox of equipment necessary for biotechnology experiments being
conducted on board the ISS Russian Segment was justified.
The mold cultivated belongs to the genus Penicillium, and the bacterial colony belongs to the
cocci. Since these types of fungi and bacteria have been found before when the Glovebox-S
apparatus was found to be non-sterile, one may conclude that the glove box may get
contaminated during the transfer of equipment necessary for biotechnology experiments being
conducted on board the ISS RS.
Based on the data, it seems wise to treat equipment being transferred into the glovebox with
sterilizing wipes, and to perform additional treatment of the glovebox surface after conducting
biotechnology experiments, paying particular attention to hard-to-reach areas.
This investigation is ongoing and additional results are pending publication.