Feasibility studies, technical provisions, technological
regulations, and instructions on the use of the biological
compounds Rodart and Mitsefit were developed. A pilot
fermentation line was created to obtain these
Zhemchuzhina NS, Kofnova IN, Krasheninnikova TK, et al.
Results of experiments conducted by Biokhimmash Space
Biotechnology Laboratory. Kosmonavtika i
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Ukraintsev AD, Krasheninnikova TK, Kofnova IN, et al.
Influence of factors of spaceflight on properties of
bacterial and mushroom cultures at long stay in space in
structure of equipment "Bioecology." 6th International
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Sinitsyn AN, Krasheninnikova TK, Sinchurina EV,
Smolyanaya GL. Advanced biological products for oily
wastes disposal and contaminated land
phytoremediation. International Congress (Waystack),
Moscow, Russia; 2007.
These investigations are complete and all results are published.
Top: Colonies of Arthrobacter sp. OC- 1
(А1) producers of oil biodegradation
components which were exposed in a
space experiment on a dense nutrient
Heltzer medium inside test tubes and in
freeze-dehydrated condition in ampoules.
Bottom: Cells Arthrobacter sp. OC-1 (А1).
Roscosmos image.