biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

from the dormant stage to an active state, thus also confirming data from molecular/genetic
research. These results provide the rationale for continuing in-depth studies of the impact of
spaceflight factors on dormant stage living organisms belonging to various taxonomic groups.

Alekseev VR, Levinskikh MA, Sychev VN. Impact of spaceflight conditions on the dormant stage
of lower crustaceans, Akvarium experiments, Space Biology, and Medicine. Biomedical research
on the ISS Russian segment, Moscow; 2011.

Gusev OA, Okuda T, Sychev VN, Levinskikh MA, Sugimoto M. Perspectives of RNA/DNA studies
using latent stages of invertebrates and plants exposed to spaceflight and outer space
environments. Space Utilization Research. 2007;344-346.

Sychev VN, Levinskikh MA, Podolsky IG, et al. Main results of experiments investigating higher
plants and dormant forms of organisms on the Russian segment of the International Space
Station. Kosmonavtika i Raketostroenie (Cosmonautics and Rocket Engineering). 2007;4(49):54-

Gusev OA, Alekseev VR, Saigusa M, Okuda T, Sychev VN. Molecular chaperons-related studies
using latent stages of invertebrates exposed to space environment. Zoological Science.

Levinskikh MA, Sychev VN. Using an experimental microcosm to study the effect of spaceflight
factors at the ecosystem level of biological organization, state, and problems of production
hydrobiology. Aquatic Ecology at the Dawn of the XXI Century. 2006;291-305.

This investigation is complete and all results are published.

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