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(やまだぃちぅ) #1

PhotosynthTM Three-Dimensionsal Modeling of ISS Interior and Exterior (Photosynth)..................

Research Area: Educational Demonstrations
Expedition(s): 18-20, 25-ongoing
Principal Investigator(s): ● Dylan Mathis, NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Houston,

PhotosynthTM Three-Dimensional Modeling of ISS Interior and Exterior (Photosynth) synthesizes
3-D models of the International Space Station (ISS) from a series of overlapping still
photographs mainly as a tool for education and public outreach. Photosynth is a collaboration
between the NASA and the Microsoft Live Labs.

The Photosynth models of the
ISS provide educators a better
way to view the ISS and teach
about space and science. The
interested public also benefits
from having a better way to
view the space station and its
scope. Feedback can assist
Microsoft with potential
Photosynth™ product
improvements for general
consumer and commercial use.

The Photosynth models are
evaluated for possible use by the
ISS Program in areas such as crew
training, maintenance, and logistics.

During Expedition 18 ISS Increment Flight Engineer Sandy Magnus took approximately 900
images of the USOS. These images were downlinked and are currently being used to create the
PhotosynthTM models of the ISS interior.

This investigation is complete and all results are published.

View of the inside of U.S. Laboratory Destiny during Expedition 18.
Taken for PhotoSynth Three-dimensional Modeling of ISS Interior
and Exterior project.
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