biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

receipt of data from participants were sent to
the information collection center. The data
received was processed and classified. The
effect of the non-uniform sensitivity of the
ground reception network was evaluated for
the accuracy of space and time measurements
when applying this procedure of the satellite
coverage area radio sounding. Maps of
coverage areas for measurement orbits were
compiled. In this series of Ten-Mayak
experiments, a new tool was developed to
increase the timeliness and effectiveness of
ground measuring network management,
specifically a special Ten-Mayak experiment
site that is part of the Roscosmos
scientific/technical coordination board’s portal
allowing the automatic registration of
experiment participants and the real-time
distribution of urgent notifications and news.

This investigation is ongoing and additional results are pending publication.

M.V. Tiurin during the Developing a Procedure for
Radiosounding of the Satellite Coverage Area using a
Network of Ground Receivers experiment. Roscosmos
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