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(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Spacecraft and Modern Technologies for Personal Communications (MAI-75) Engineering Education

Research Area: Engineering Education
Expedition(s): 11, 18- 38
Principal Investigator(s): ● Oleg M. Alifanov, PhD, Kosmos International Educational-
Scientific Center, Moscow, Russia

The Spacecraft and Modern Technologies for
Personal Communications (MAI-75) educational
experiment is dedicated to developing and
validating the structural principles, an
information and telecommunications system
that offers real-time video information from
space to a broad circle of users within the
framework of the educational community. MAI-
75 creates science-based methods and
specialized software and hardware supporting
the interaction of various categories of users
with the International Space Station (ISS) crew
via specialized communication channels through
the use of remote user terminals.


Participants and students gain the opportunity to
master methods of recognizing typical elements of
the landscape, to perform georeferencing of the
photos using maps and atlases, and to use the
obtained images within the framework of
interdisciplinary communications.

The system makes it possible to implement step-by-
step development of a satellite video-information
system. During the experiment, work is performed
to confirm the possibility of transmitting video
information from space in real time to publicly accessible ground-based user terminals,
including various users in the aerospace-education system.

During the course of the experiment, images in SSTV format were received in various regions of
the world. The use of information from space for educational purposes makes it possible to

MAI Data Reception and Processing Center control room
during communication session with the International Space
Station. Roscosmos image.

Submitted by: Geoff Carmont,
VK2HEF, Australia. Acquired: 05/14/2010,
16:28:00. Roscosmos image.
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